Winstanley TV Network show - Ep 16
Featured News - Mar 19
This week we are catching up with Jack Webster, former Winstanley and Lowton High School student, who is currently working in the construction industry as a Package Manager for the Salford James Potter Building project.
Jack attended Winstanley between 2016-2018 and studied Maths, Physics and IT. It was during his time with us and after a conversation with the College Careers Advisor that Jack decided he would like to pursue the apprenticeship route after college. To better his chances of success, Jack completed work experience with FTSE250 construction company Balfour Beatty carrying out quantity surveying work. Jack also gained contract management experience as part of this work placement.
Jack applied for a couple of apprenticeships and was successful in landing a degree apprenticeship with BAM Construction, studying part time at Sheffield Hallam University. He is now working for Salford James Potter Building as a Package Manager which allows him to manage the façade, brickwork, roof and helipad package. Jack hopes to use his skills and experience to one day become a Project Manager.
When asked what advice he would give to students who may wish to study an apprenticeship in the future Jack said;
‘The best advice I can give any student is to not always follow the social normalities and think university is the only option after finishing college. The best thing you can do is follow your interests and if that is to study and gain work experience then an apprenticeship is best for you! Don’t always see an apprenticeship as a sure thing however, especially a higher level one as there are lots of application stages and they are very competitive!’
We were lucky enough to welcome Jack back to Winstanley this week at our Careers Fair, where he provided current students with invaluable advice and information. Thanks Jack!
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