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Personal Tutors
Personal Tutors
When you enrol at College, you will be assigned to a Guidance Group and a Personal Tutor who will play a vital role in your college life. Your Personal Tutor's priority is to ensure that you settle into college; have a happy and fulfilling experience; succeed in your studies; fulfil your potential and advance to Higher Education or employment. In addition to having regular one-to-ones with your Personal Tutor, you will attend regular group Guidance sessions which are a compulsory part of your timetable. Your Personal Tutor will get to know you well and will track your progress; become a focal point for support; monitor your attendance and achievement throughout your time at college and help you decide on your future career plans.
Senior Tutors
If you have a complex situation that could take time to resolve, you could be referred for guidance and support to a Senior Tutor. If your Senior Tutor is unable to answer your query, the Assistant Principal for Student Support will assist you with your course, welfare and academic queries.

Student Testimonials
Don't just take our word for how fantastic support is at Winstanley. See what some of our students had to say:
- 'The staff in guidance have played a vital role in guiding and encouraging my improvement. My personal tutor has dedicated his time and efforts to keeping me on track academically but also providing me with a humble environment in which I can safely voice my opinions.'
- 'Having a personal tutor makes you feel like you aren’t alone in college and that you have someone there for support when you might need it.'
- 'I loved the ability to go to all or one of my teachers or you (my PT) whenever i needed someone to listen to me or that i needed help.'
- 'I really enjoyed how welcoming and inclusive Winstanley College was and how there didn’t seem to be a member of staff who came to work without a smile on their face everyday. Guidance was great and I know as a student with an ILSP I had to visit often but I couldn’t have asked for more help. With regards to having a personal tutor, I really needed this in order to get through college.'