Campus 2

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Supporting your needs

Helping you to manage the step-up to A-level study is a priority at Winstanley College and it's why we have people available to support your needs.

Our staff are here to listen to anything that may be troubling you. Whether you are feeling stressed and anxious about managing your time and workload, apprehensive about the changes ahead or if you have issues with sleeping, our team is here to support you.

How can the Wellbeing team help me?

First and foremost, we will listen to your concerns. Once we have a picture of your situation, we will then help you to find the right support. It may be that we refer you to external specialist services or we might recommend that you meet with our in-house Counsellor. Whatever the outcome, we will support you on your journey to make sure you receive the help you need.

Who are the in-house Counsellors?

Our professionally trained counsellors are experienced in listening to young people. As College counsellors, they are used to talking to students about a range of issues and any information shared with them is confidential.

How do I ask for help?

There are many ways you can ask for help:


The College is accredited with the AcSEED award for emotional wellbeing and mental health support. AcSEED promotes the adoption of best practices in supporting the emotional wellbeing and mental health of young people in schools and colleges.

Supporting the Emotional Health and Wellbeing of Young People
General Information & Advice on Emotional Health and Wellbeing


Charlie Waller - Wellbeing Library

As part of our involvement in the Greater Manchester Mental Health in FE project, we have been granted access to a new online wellbeing library which has been produced in collaboration between AoC and the Charlie Waller Trust.

This fantastic digital library has a wide range of resources for students, staff and parents / carers and it will continue to be updated as more materials are sourced.

Talkling Head Therapies

Talking Therapies in Wigan offers free NHS therapy for people aged 16 and over, including those with physical illnesses, who experience common mental health problems.

For more information download their information brochure:

Talking Therapies

42nd Street


We are here to support you with your emotional well-being and mental health by offering a choice of effective, creative, young person-centred and rights-based approaches.

Young People

We are here to support you with your emotional well-being and mental health by offering a choice of effective, creative, young person-centred and rights-based approaches.

LGBTQ+ Resources

We've pulled together resources direct from young people on a range of topics around being LGBTQ+ or supporting friends who are to create our new LGBTQ+ resource centre.


Kooth is a free online counseling service that you can access from the link below.



Mind A-Z of Mental Health

Mind provides advice and support to empower people experiencing mental health problems. They have a fantastic A-Z of Mental Health and free, downloadable guides to many mental health issues, including a guide to seeking help which contains some useful advice on how to support someone else with their emotional and mental health.


e-wellbeing (was Find Get Give)

e-wellbeing is a digital wellbeing service for young people run by YMCA DownsLink Group. Our aim is for all young people to be able to access the right support and information around their emotional health and wellbeing, in the right place at a time that is right for them. 


SHOUT (via text)

Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.  Shout is powered by a team of volunteers, who are at the heart of the service. We take people from crisis to calm every single day.  Shout exists in the US as ‘Crisis Text Line’, but this is the first time the tried and tested technology has come to the UK.  The anonymised data we collate gives us unique insights into mental health trends to help improve people’s lives. 

If you’re experiencing a personal crisis, are unable to cope and need support, text 'Shout' to 85258.  If your life is in imminent danger, please call 999.  

We can help with urgent issues such as:

  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Abuse or assault
  • Self-harm
  • Bullying
  • Relationship challenges

We will always try to respond to texters as quickly as possible, however our responses will be longer at times of high demand. We will always respond to high risk texters as a priority.  If you are at imminent risk call 999 and if you need another form of support


Anxiety & Panic Attacks


Contains a page specifically for Family, Friends and Carers


Grief Encounter

Grief Encounter is one of the UK’s leading bereaved child charities, providing free, pioneering services and support to bereaved children, young people and their families.


HopeAgain is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care, a national charity providing support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone close to them dies.

The Loss Foundation 

Providing free bereavement support for loss to Cancer or Covid-19.

County Lines/Criminal Exploitation

SPACE - Stop & Prevent Adolescent Criminal Exploitation - Campaigning to raise awareness of County Lines (Child Criminal Exploitation) and to keep all children and young people safe from criminal and violent harm.


Mind's Guide

Mind’s Guide to Understanding Depression.

Students Against Depression

Students Against Depression is a website offering advice, information, guidance and resources to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking, including the experiences and strategies of students themselves.

Eating issues


Beat is the UK’s leading eating disorders charity. Their website includes advice and support for people who are worried about someone.

Useful links

Exam Stress

NHS Choices

Advice for parents and carers from the NHS.

Student Minds

The exam stress advice from Student Minds is targeted towards university students but is still relevant to 16-18 year olds.


Papyrus, the national charity for the prevention of young suicide, has helpful tips for both students and parents.


Academic and exam stress

Exam stress describes the emotional, physiological, and behavioural responses caused by an imminent test or exam.

Mentally Healthy Schools 


Exams can be a challenging time for young people, and many young people can feel worried and stressed in the lead up to exams. As parents and carers, it can be difficult to know what we can do to support them. We’ve shared some tips on supporting your child if they’re feeling stressed about exams.

Boiling point: Talking to children about stress

Stress head. Worrier. Nervous wreck. A mess... There are a lot of unhelpful names thrown at people that struggle to cope with stress, especially where children are concerned. But stress doesn’t have to be an issue. In fact, when managed right young people can use it as a way to develop emotional resilience and handle difficult situations better later in life.

The Children's Society

Help your child beat exam stress

Tests and exams can be a challenging part of school life for children and young people and their parents or carers. But there are ways to ease the stress.

Help your child beat exam stress - NHS ( 

Loneliness/ Isolation

Loneliness/ IsolationMind's Tips for Living with Loneliness.

Self harm


The National Self Harm Network provides a 24/7, closely monitored online forum which aims to reduce the emotional stress and improve the quality of life for people who self-harm. The forum provides crisis-support, information, resources, advice, discussion and distraction.

Calm Harm is an NHS-approved app that helps people self-harm less often or not at all. The app was developed for teenage mental health charity stem4 by Dr Nihara Krause, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, using the basic principles of an evidence-based therapy called Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT). Calm Harm provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You can make it private by setting a password, and personalise the app if you so wish. You will be able to track your progress and notice change.


Sexual Health and Relationships

Wigan Council provides information for young people about sex, sexual health and relationships. There is information about staying safe and a guide to local services, as well as a page specifically for parents and carers.

Emergency/Immediate Crisis Support

The following services do offer support to individuals who feel they are a serious risk to themselves or others, or those in immediate danger:

Samaritans for 24/7 support and someone to talk to. This service is free and confidential. Phone 116 123

You can call the NHS 111 service if you urgently need help or advice but it is not a life-threatening situation

The Mental Health Rapid Response Service is a rapid assessment service for people suffering from mental health problems who are at risk and may not be able to keep themselves safe, or are considering attending A&E for help with their mental health. Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Call 01273 242220

For emergency situations always call 999 or visit the local Accident & Emergency.

Need further (non-emergency) support?

GP would always be an excellent first point of call for support with any mental health enquiries. They can offer information, advice and support and can also refer to a range of other specialist services if required.


Substance Misuse


ru-ok? Young People's Substance Misuse Service works with under 18’s whose lives are affected by substance misuse, including support for parents and carers to effectively engage with and support young people in this situation.

Lets Talk

Keep Calm and Talk Campaign created to encourage parents and carers to start conversations with their young people around smoking, drinking and drugs, and to provide them with tools to make this easier and so help reduce the harm caused by substance misuse.  You can find facts, tips and ideas for how to start the conversation and see what other parents and carers have said.

Suicide Prevention

The Samaritans are available 24/7, every day of the year. 


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