
Student Services

Supporting You Every Step of the Way

At Winstanley College, we pride ourselves on providing strong support for students in every area of college life.  Our Student Services team is here to help with a range of queries and ensure you’re never stuck without guidance.

Here’s what we can assist you with:

  • Lost Property
  • Lockers
  • Parking permits
  • Bus Passes
  • Purchase of essential stationery items
  • ParentPay & Catering Queries (including help with the Debitrack system)
  • Short-Term Loans (for emergencies like forgotten lunch or travel money)

While the Student Services Help Desk is generally open from 9:30 am to 4 pm daily, you can always email us for a quick response  If we're unavailable, Main Reception at the front of the College is happy to assist or signpost you to the right place.

For careers interviews or work experience queries, we’ll point you in the direction of our Careers Advisors or Work Experience Officer. Similarly, we can help with general questions about trips and visits but may refer you to the trip organiser for specific details.

We’re here to help—don’t hesitate to pop in or get in touch.

Help Desk

Our dedicated Student Services Help Desk is located just beyond the Guidance area, right next to the Careers Department and the Nurture Room. Whether you have a question, need some advice, or just aren’t sure where to go, you can pop by and chat with a friendly member of our team.

We’re here to help with all sorts of queries and can also guide you to the right person if your situation needs more specialized support. No matter the issue, don’t hesitate to stop by—we’re all about making sure you feel supported and informed.


We have secure lockers in various areas of college. They are available to rent for the 2 year period of the A-level course. The charge is £10, and £5 is refunded when the student leaves at the end of their term and returns the keys. Students find this a useful service as they do not need to carry all their books home every day or to every lesson. The lockers are cleaned each summer term and students have to clear their belongings for this period, other than that it is theirs for the full 2 years. If a student forgets their key, we have a one day loan system.

How to purchase

Lockers are allocated early in the new term. Students are advised when they will be able to purchase a locker key via their tutorial session. They pay £10 on parent pay and collect the key from Student Services the following day. We even have extra-large lockers for students who come to college on bikes so that they can store their helmets safely – and these can be requested immediately at the start of term.

Lost keys

If when a student leaves college and they do not have their key, they waive the right to their £5 refund.

Car Registration

Most students travel to college using the dedicated College bus services, while some may choose to travel by car. Due to limited parking capacity on campus, we strongly encourage car-sharing to reduce demand and support environmental sustainability. Parking permits are only available to Upper Sixth students, with a fee of £100 for the academic year if purchased at the start of the year – this equates to £10 per month. A reduced price is available if purchased later in the academic year – provided permits are still available.

There are also a small number of free parking spaces available outside the ANPR parking barriers on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that while a Campus Officer patrols the site, the College cannot accept liability for any loss or damage to vehicles or property on campus.

For further information or to purchase a parking permit, please visit the Student Services Help Desk or email

Financial Support


The Student Bursary is money that has been allocated to College by the Government to assist 16-19 year old students who face financial difficulties to continue in full time education. The Bursary fund is categorised as follows:

  • A: You are entitled to a guaranteed bursary of at least £1,200 per year if you are: a young person in care, or a care leaver, or a young person in direct receipt of income support in your own right, or a disabled student in receipt of employment support plus personal independence payment allowance. Evidence will need to be provided.
  • B: If your household income is below £16,190 or you are in receipt of benefits you may be entitled to a bursary and also free school meals.  You will need to provide proof of household income or benefits.

Click here to download an application form.


If students are eligible for the bursary fund and also have a need to purchase an annual private transport permit, they will qualify for the full cost of the yearly permit which will be organised by Student Services. If you don’t require a private permit then a weekly allowance will be made via BACS.

These payments will be dependent on good attendance, satisfactory academic progress and it is subject to the number of applications received and the funds being available.

You can apply at any time throughout the year depending on your circumstances.

Further enquiries can be made by contacting

Lost Property

Students have a remarkable talent for misplacing items during their time at college—honestly, we could open a shop with the sheer volume of lost property each term! Unfortunately, we can’t store everything long-term, so unclaimed items are eventually donated to local charity shops, benefiting communities both here and abroad. If you’ve misplaced something, don’t wait too long to check Student Services—we’d love to reunite you with your belongings.

The good news is that students here are generally great at handing in lost items, including valuable ones like phones, wallets, and even cash. Most items that are lost end up in our lost property at Student Services. That said, it’s important to remember that your belongings are your responsibility, and the College cannot accept liability for lost or stolen items. While we’ll do our best to help, it’s up to you to keep track of your things.

Lost property on a bus or train

For lost property left on a public bus/Bee Network you will need to report it via this link 

Report lost property | Bee Network | Powered by TfGMFor lost property left on a train or other public bus service outside of the Bee Network, please contact the provider, they will usually have a facility to do this via their website.

For lost property left on the private coaches – everything from mobile phones and ear pod cases to sports kits. While the coach providers work hard to help reunite you with your items, this can take time, especially as items can end up back at the depot. In some cases, belongings make it to Main Reception or Student Services for collection, but not always.

To help reduce lost items, here are a few quick reminders and steps for finding your belongings:

1. Check Your Seat – Before leaving the coach, take a quick glance back at your seat. This can help you spot anything you might have dropped.

2. Afternoon Trips – If you leave something on an afternoon coach, we won’t be in the office after 4:30 pm. Your best first step is to contact the coach company directly (details are in the transport guide) or check with the driver on your next morning trip. You can also check with Main Reception when you arrive in the morning.

3. Morning Trips – If you leave something on a morning journey, visit Student Services from 9:30 am. They’ll help you work on getting it back by the end of the day.

If it’s your mobile phone that you’ve left on a morning journey - You may want to call home to let a parent or guardian know you don’t have your phone. Your Personal Tutor can help with this.

If you leave an item on a Friday afternoon – you will have to contact the coach company if you want to try to retrieve your item over the weekend, otherwise you’ll need to wait until the following week.

Only if you’re unable to locate your item after these steps should you email, and we’ll do our best to assist further.

Trips and Visits

During the students’ first week of term we organise an Enrichment Fair at lunchtime. Students are encouraged to go along and find out about all the various activities, groups, associations, trips etc that will be available to them throughout their time at college. Some will be run for subject departments only; others will be open to all students. We encourage students to take part in enrichment activities as they will gain valuable skills and knowledge as well as experiencing the fun & social aspects.

Specific information regarding each trip or event can be obtained from the relevant organiser but general advice can be obtained from our HelpDesk.

Payments and Refunds

Deposits are usually non-refundable. Payment dates and deadlines are dictated by the organiser of the trip or event and this should be the main contact for any queries regarding specific trips. For general payment information, please contact the HelpDesk. Refunds can only be agreed by the organiser. Students should approach Student Services to request an application for a refund should the need arise so that the process can start.

Organisations /Action Groups

We welcome the student voice on various action groups in college, including ILT Steering Group, Catering Action, Healthy College, and Equality and Diversity. Students elect members to represent them at Student Union and these members, as part of their role responsibility, will be involved in several activities and groups in college.

Health & Safety

Information in the students enrolment packs will specify that all students enrolling at college (and their parents) are giving their consent to participate in Low Risk activities and to receive emergency medical treatment should the need arise. Parents who do not agree to this are required to write a letter to college and send in with the student at enrolment. Residential and High Risk activities will require further consent from parents before students are allowed to participate in specific activities relevant to the individual trip.

Please note all trips and visits are subject to any Covid-19 regulation in place at the time.

First Aid

The College has several staff trained to deliver First Aid. Student Services is the First Aid Contact Points and staff will contact the ‘on call’ First Aider as required.

Please note – First Aid is not for the following situations:

1. Students not feeling well (we have a sick room where students can rest if suffering with a migraine etc) or else they should email their tutors and attendance officer and make arrangements to go home.
2. Attending to previous injuries which may be causing pain/concern (Students should see their own Doctor or visit an NHS drop-in centre).
3. When a student is suffering from a known medical condition but does not have the correct medicine with them (or in safe-keeping with Angela Gregory). We are not allowed to administer any medication and it is the responsibility of students to disclose medical information at enrolment so that procedures are in place to address any medical emergencies.

Medication in College

If you suffer from a long term medical condition that requires medication you may wish to consider leaving some spare medication in college. This may be an epi-pen if you suffer from a food allergy, maybe a spare inhaler or even pain relief if you regularly need it. Any medication should be clearly labeled with the students name and ID number and given to Angela Gregory in Student Services to keep it securely stored.

Please ensure College is aware of any medical condition which may require the administration of emergency medicine.


General payments – ParentPay

Trips, visits, and other extras are paid for via ParentPay. You’ll have received your individual activation details in a letter, so make sure to set up your account if you haven’t already!
For items like replacement ID cards and lanyards,  simply pop into Student Services from 11am onwards the day after payment on parent pay  to collect them.  If you need help setting up your ParentPay account or have misplaced your activation letter, just get in touch with Student Services—they’ll sort it out for you.

Enrichment payments

There are fantastic opportunities for students to take part in a huge range of enrichment activities.· Some are free and some involve a cost. Trips to places as far away as China and Australia will as you expect involve a cost but we also have courses for First Aid and Sign Language which are free. Other items students may need to pay for could be associated with their courses such as the Clothes Show for Art, a visit to Isle of Arran for Earth Science, or Court visits for Law.



The College is committed to promoting Equality and Diversity.
Click here for further information:



Apart from the advice you will get from staff in College, there are many organisations listed which can help with a range of issues including drugs & alcohol, mental health, sexual health, smoking, careers and future choices.

Drugs & Alcohol

Alcoholics Anonymous  - 08457 697 555
Drinkline  - 0800 917 8282
Drinksense – 01733 555532
Drugs Helpline (Frank) - 0800 77 66 00
Young Peoples' Drug and Alcohol Team - 01942 777720
Lifeline - Information for drug users and their families - 0161 200 5486
National Association for Children of Alcoholics - 0800 358 3456
Narcotics Anonymous - self help for drug users – 0300 999 1212

Sexual Health/Contraception

British Pregnancy Advisory Service - 0845 730 4030
Brook Advisory Centre - Wigan - 01942 483180
National Aids Trust - 020 7814 6767

Emotional/Mental Health

Little London - confidential young persons counselling - 01942 776767
Kooth - online counselling for young people -
Beating Eating Disorders – 0845 634 7650
Mind Information Line – 0300 123 3393
No Panic Helpline – 0800 138 8889
Samaritans - 08457 90 90 90
National Self Harm Network - 0800 622 6000
42nd Street - Advice & Support for Young People living in Manchester, Salford and Trafford - 0161 228 1888
NSPCC Helpline - 0808 8005000
Childline – 0800 1111 


Shelter - 0808 800 4444
Refuge - Domestic Violence Helpline - 0808 2000 247
If you need advice about housing please speak to student services.


NHS Direct - 0845 4647
NHS Quit Smoking - 0800 022 4332
Mens Health Helpline – 02089954448
Meningitis Helpline – 0808 010 388


Equality and human rights commission - 0808 800 0082
Lesbian and Gay Switchboard – 0300 330 0630
The Student Room –
Young Persons Helpline – 02088963675
Beat Bullying – -

Stay Safe Team

Stay Safe Team
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