Attendance & Student Support
Your contact in College is
Attendance = Achievement
At Winstanley College, we consider attendance = achievement and every lesson provides a valuable learning opportunity. Therefore we welcome parent / carers' support in ensuring students attend every lesson. We understand that sometimes attendance isn’t possible, but lessons should only be in exceptional circumstances.
Teacher Attendance
The College will ensure that every effort is made to provide a learning experience at every scheduled lesson. In the rare situation that teacher absence should occur, students should still attend their lesson as work will be set and registers will be taken.
Notification of Absence
If a student is going to be absent from College e.g. through illness, we ask that parents / carers inform us of the reason for the absence before 10am each day of absence. Please see the Student Attendance Strategy for instructions of how to do this—using College's automated absence line is recommended. Parents / carers can expect to receive contact from College should a student be marked absent from a lesson without notification.
We ask that term-time holidays are not taken.
Attendance Monitoring
We monitor attendance very closely and if a student's level of absence causes concern, they may be placed on a student contract for close monitoring and support. Students and parents / carers can monitor a student's attendance via the Cedar portal and we recommend this is checked regularly.