
Parents and Visitors Code of Conduct


We work in partnership with our students and their parents / carers and ask that all parents / carers and visitors familiarise themselves with the Parent and Visitor Code of Conduct  which is available in the downloads section at the bottom of this page.

At the start of the academic year all students are asked to read and sign to say they have read the Student Charter below;


Student Charter:

Student Charter

Winstanley College’s mission is to achieve academic excellence in a supportive and inspiring learning community. Our college community is based on mutual respect between staff and students and a culture of everyone adhering to expectations to make Winstanley College an enjoyable and thriving place to study.

Teaching and Learning (1)

As a student of Winstanley College, you can expect:

  • To be treated as an individual and as a young adult
  • A programme of Induction to help you settle into College
  • To receive high quality teaching by well qualified, enthusiastic teachers
  • To follow a carefully planned and suitably paced specification, using a variety of teaching and learning methods responsive to student needs
  • To receive homework and assessments /assignments regularly and have them returned to you promptly with thorough annotations to promote your learning and progress in that subject
  • To receive praise and encouragement, support and guidance regarding your studies and realistic information about your progress
  • To receive additional study support, responsive to your learning and medical needs
  • To receive regular updates on your attendance, punctuality, progress and performance
  • To discuss any concerns,you may have with your teacher in the first instance and to take the issue up with your Personal Tutor if your concern persists
  • A range of student support services including safeguarding and pastoral support, welfare and counselling support
  • Lessons which start and end at the stated times
  • A weekly group Guidance session with your Personal Tutor
  • To have your examination fees paid by the College
  • A safe environment in which to study

Teaching and Learning (2)

As a student of Winstanley College, you are expected to:

  • Adhere to Winstanley College’s 3 non-negotiables regarding Behaviour for Learning:
  • Arrive on time to class ready to learn
  • Engage with your own learning in lessons
  • Engage with your own learning outside of lessons
  • Attend every timetabled lesson and Guidance session, every appointment with your PT and any additional study arrangements made for you e.g.Study Support
  • Complete all work to the deadlines set and to the best of your ability
  • Make a continuous effort with your work and ensure that outside pressures [e.g.part-time jobs and social life] do not interfere with your studies
  • Ask for help whenever you need it
  • Attend all enrichment, work experience and volunteering opportunities which you enrol onto
  • Always wear your College lanyard when on site
  • Adhere to expected standards of conduct and behaviour
  • Abide by College’s Health and Safety requirements

Equality and Diversity

The College aims to provide an education which actively promotes equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination on grounds of cultural background, class, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation. We will strive vigorously to remove conditions which place people at a disadvantage and will actively combat bigotry and discrimination. The College expects all students to adopt this policy, hence you are always expected to behave with civility and show respect for others at all times.

Student Voice

The College believes that we can always improve in everything that we do. One of the strongest sources of information on where things could be better is you;the student. We will ask for your help in a variety of ways.

  • We have a Student Union elected by the student body to represent you
  • We have student representation on key College committees such as the governing body and the Equality and Diversity Steering Group
  • Your views will be canvassed in your subject classes, in cross-college questionnaires and in focus groups

ICT and Data Protection

Your right of access to ICT is governed by the College's ICT Code of Conduct, which states that the Data Protection Act of2018will be applied and that all Personal Data will be processed appropriately. You will have access to up-to-date computers and software to support your academic studies in.

You can expect:

  • Access to College facilities during the normal college day and at other times by arrangement
  • To be able to use the Internet through a network account which will monitor what you access, and for which you are responsible
  • Access to your e-mail account for academic and personal use, in accordance with the College's Code of Conduct
  • Access to the college intranet from home, but you will be expected to maintain password security at all times
  • To be able to print free of charge until your allocation has been reached and thereafter at a charge

You are expected:

  • Not to interfere with the work of any other user of the system
  • Not to alter any computer settings whatsoever without the express permission of the computing staff
  • To keep your login and password details confidential and to not use another person’s login / email details
  • To treat the computer systems with respect and to conform with both college regulations and legislation controlling the use of computers
  • To respond promptly to all e-mail messages from staff

Support and Guidance

Important aspects of your learning will take place outside the classroom, whether that’s within the Library and its learning resource centres, in Study Support, the Nurture Room or with your Personal Tutor.

Specifically, your Personal Tutor (PT) will work with you to:

  • Review your attendance and punctuality
  • Review your academic and personal progress
  • Direct you towards accurate information and advice about careers and university
  • Direct you towards work experience and voluntary work opportunities
  • Make sure your particular learning needs are identified and met
  • Make sure you are aware of additional support services available in and outside of college

You can expect:

  • Regular opportunities for individual access to your Personal Tutor
  • A prompt response to your communications, questions and queries from your Personal Tutor
  • Consistent, clear disciplinary procedures,when these are necessary
  • Support and guidance regarding student welfare and wellbeing

The College Environment

You can expect a college which is clean, attractive, comfortable and well maintained.

You are expected to:

  • Act at all times with due regard for your own safety and the safety of others
  • Respect the college environment by keeping the college free of graffiti and litter
  • Respect and take care of all college resources, equipment and premises e.g. laptops, printers, photocopiers
  • Please note that should a student fail to meet or comply with any aspects of the Student Charter, or behave in a way which the college would need to treat very seriously, college may take one or more of the following actions:
  • College's Student Support and Disciplinary Policy or Health, Wellbeing and Fitness to study Procedure may be triggered
  • You could be withdrawn from your course/whole programme of study
  • You may be unable to progress to your Upper Sixth year of study

College Activities

Winstanley College offers a comprehensive and organised programme of enrichment, work experience and volunteering opportunities.You can expect opportunities to:

  • Visit parts of the UK and overseas,play in sports fixtures and take part in dramatic and musical productions in addition to a wide range of other enrichment opportunities
  • Engage in a programme of visiting speakers and debates
  • Engage in virtual and / or in-person work experience opportunities
  • Take part in activities organised by the Student Union including charity work